Playa Flamingo, Gaunacaste, Costa Rica 16-9-2010
Odometer: 15,837.6 miles
My camera momentarily came to life for a couple of photos today, with long bouts of death between the gasps, but there seems to be some glimmer of hope.
We rounded Lago Arenal and while taking pictures, or wishing to take pictures in my case, we were passed by a Costa Rican couple on a motorcycle. We periodically passed them, only to be passed again, depending who was taking pictures of what and where. When we pulled into a small place for lunch along the road, they came walking out. We started to talk. A bit into the chat we discovered we were both going to the pacific coast, but aiming for different beaches, maybe 40 miles apart. With that, the Costa Rican guy, Daniel, invited us to stay at his 5 bed-room guest house with beach view, swimming pool, and deck. It turned out to be a great place! So nice, we stayed an extra day just to enjoy the sun, the pool, the beach and the great company.
To totally change the subject: I have to admit, it finally happened. I washed my motorcycle clothes. After 8 weeks of sun, rain, humidity, sweat, and dirt, mixed with high temperatures, rain, humidity, dirt and sweat, and a lot of dirt and sweat, and dirt, and heat, and humidity, the stink and stench got to me. I wanted to wait till I got home, just so ma could get a good idea of just how much fun I was having, but I couldn´t make´r. Really, the smell wasn´t that bad, I am sure the odors that vented off the other guys I am/was riding with were a lot worse. You could smell them for miles. They smelt bad!!! Wow! Stinky! It´s like when Uncle Math cuts fresh seatter, only worse, if you can imagine. The straw that broke the camel´s back happened the other night when my riding jacket and pants got up on their own accord and went for a beer and didn´t invite me. The pigs. No full moon either. Just got up on their own and went drinking. I thought (to borrow a phrase from Peter Drontle and translate it for tender ears) ¨crap to Hades, gotta do something.¨
It´s off to Nicaragua.
Uncle Walter