Phoenix, Arizona USA 3-10-2010
Odometer: 19,285.7 miles
Coming across the border into the US turned out to be a pleasant expierence. We were at a small gas station in Janos, Mexico and I asked the gas station attendent which of the up coming border crossing had the shortest line and the least hassel, Augua Prieta or Nogales. He replied Antelope Wells, New Mexico. It is a shame I can't up load the picures. (now my camera is working, but my lap top died, and the computer i am using now needs some sort of update...(mirosoft crap)). The border crossing is not marked. The road into it off the highway is 9 miles of dirt. The Mexican imigration and customs officials come out together, shake your hand, and that is it. The US side has 3 customs/imigration officers. They all come out together, are a bit more formal, but relaxed and friendly. Ask a few questions, fill out some forms, give you some ice creame sandwiches, shake your hand, and say "well come back to the US." Not quite the treatment of Miami, butt who wants to go back there?
Once in Phoenix, we stayed at the Aussie Hilton, run by Bevan and Clare Walsh. Not only do you get a top of the line room with excellent food, they run all around phoenix looking for parts for your bike and put them on for you, and you get an Almo Suprise Birhtday Cake as well. Made me feel like I was still at Tom and Elizabeths, and I just met them. Wow, very cool.
Uncle Walter
The stars aligned and the crap came back to life, all be it one day late.
No Mari, I did not try to kiss the tarantula, I thought it better to pass on the Disney moment. Do you think that was a mistake?
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