Got up before sun rise and made it to the ferry on time. The ferry crossed the Estrecho de Magallanes in about 2 and half hours. Sun rise looked promising. It was about 24'F at the start. One hour into the ride the winds picked up and it started to snow. A bit later rain mixed in. Then snow, rain and wind, the straight of Magellan living up to it’s reputation. A perfect day for a duck and Uncle Walter. I hunkered down in Punta Arenas and worked on la Poderosa. Odometer on arrival 3502.6
Arose after sunrise and left late. The roads by then were in good shape, mas or menos. In a small bay on the way out, some splashing along the shore line caught my eye. It turned out to be dolphins eating. They are fast! I would hate to be a little fish. One minute just hanging out in school, learning what ever it is little fish learn, and kabamb!!! you're a dolphin scooby snack. The little fishes had no chance. It was a great show.
The ride from there took me back out across the pampas (the desert grass lands of Patagonia). The winds stayed down till after 1:00, than steadily picked up. I stopped to take the above picture of the ranch named after Chula-bean and could tell it was about to start. About 30 minutes later I came across a cattle drive like the one pictured. The cattle drive had bout 150 head coming down the road. I stopped, shut the engine off, put the kickstand down, leaned into the wind (onto the kickstand) to watch. Bammmmmmb! Along came a big gust! Couldn't hold her. La Poderosa and Uncle Walter got knocked over flat. Took about 1/3 of a second and I was eating sand, La Poderosa unscratched. By the time I got the bike back up, with the help of some nice Argentinos, I was surounded by cows, dogs and cowboys. Couldn't take a picture as the wind kept blowing and it took 3 of us to keep the bike upright. When all the cows past a guy with a van pulled up and blocked the wind long enough for me to get going. I only got knocked over 1 more time, about an hour later. I had stopped to take a picture of los torres, in a well protected spot and a gust came form no where and flattened me and the bike again. No worries, no one hurt.
Uncle Walter
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