Huanuco, Huanuco, Perú 20-7-2010
Odometer: 10506.9 miles
The Monday morning traffic leaving Lima was horrible. After 2 hours of struggling with traffic we finally got out. The total distance was 15 miles. From the Western outskirts of the city we started the climb up and over the andies to the final elevation of 4818 meters (15,807 feet). Because of the quick ascent we all have headaches, noticed loss of peripheral vision, and decreased color sensitivity. Not really the vision things, but it sounds cool, right Linders A?
We start to drop down onto the Altiplano and see two large dark clouds that are obviously dropping rain. We ride into them. The first is only caring a little rain mixed with snow, the 2nd has a hail surprise. The hail hurts likes the dickens. We try to drive through, but it makes it worse. We slow, it does not matter, the hail just pounds.
To get out of the last of the rain we stop in a small village. Along the side walk, under a tarp, there is an old woman hand turning alpaca wool into yarn for knitting. I go and stand under the tarp with her and strike up a conversation. Her accent is thick, but understandable. She normally speaks Ketchua, the local Inca dialect. Her 4 year old grandson comes over to see what is happening. I over shake his hand so his entire body shakes. He laughs. His 5 year old sister comes over to shake hands, too. I give her the same treatment. She giggles. I then go across the street to the candy vendor and by some chocolate and return. I break off a piece for the little boy, his sister and myself. Grandma hides sheepishly under her hat. The children both say thank you without prompts from their grandmother. Big smiles all around. Not one cow kisser in the bunch. I then hand grandma a piece. A big mistake. Grandma’s smile is huge and toothless.
I can´t resist. I have the children show me their teeth again. I show them mine. All present, no cow kissers, three for three. Grandma shows her lack of teeth. With that I then explain to the children that in my country we believe that you teeth fall out only by kissing cows, and therefore, their grandma must be a cow kisser. They giggle…. a lot! but very respectfully, no pointing, no shouting, no talking, just giggling. Grandma keeps smilig with her lips tight. Grandma turns her head slowly away, then turns back with a big smile and the piece of chocolate held between her gums, making one brown tooth. We all have a good laugh. As I leave, giving each kid a good handshake, Grandma gives me one more big toothless grin.
Uncle Walter
Party at Lindser´s!!!
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