Mendoza, Central Argentina. 4/6/2010
Odometer: 6514.0 miles
Valle Alemana, Central Argentina, 3/6/2010 Odometer: 6268.4 miles
Cutting back over the Andes was quite the ride. As I approached the pass between Los Andes, Chile and Mendoza, Argentina the temperatures really began to drop. I had to put the full combat gear back on. At one point as the roar began to climb I looked up in to the snow and ice fields ahead, thought I something move way up there. I thought no way does the road go there. That is not a pass, that is just a climb to the top. As I rounded the last switch-back (#ed 30 by the road signs) I knew I was wrong. Wow, all you could see was snow and ice. The only 2 odors in the air, exhaust from big trucks and their burnt brakes. At one point, inside a two mile tunnel without an exhaust system and bumper to bumper trucks crowding both lanes I thought I might have asthma. What a headache. But, wow, how cool was that road.
The decent into Mendoza was nice and warm. The photo is taken in Argentina looking back up the pass. So far I have only seen a few vineyards, but they have to be somewhere. This is the wine capital of Argentina. I‘ll let you know when I find some.
Uncle Walter
Hello Paul, Great stories. The little boys parents were probably in disbelief about their story and how they got bloody noses by making faces at some guy and his motorcycle! Happy Birthday. I hope you had an awesome day!! Love to you, KK