Puyuhaupi, Patagonia, Chile 27/5/10
Odometer: 5200.4 miles
The road to Puyuhaupi {pronounced Puyuhaupi} from Coihaique was the best so far. It was spectacular. It took all day to make it 140 miles. Between leaving late because of the freezing temperatures to getting off the bike every mile or 2 take a picture I ended up arriving in Puyuhaupi after dark. Oooooops. Bad Uncle Walter.
At one point the road was tar and really slowed me down. It went through a canyon along a class 3 white water river. The canyon ran mostly east to west, the sun at mid day is due north and the mountains block the sun from drying the road. The temperatures remained in the mid teens. The temperature of the river was above freezing. The mist coming off the river created a heavy fog and frost. The trees, plants, road signs, and road all were covered white. Gorgeous. My helmet fogged first, then my mirrors, windshield, and then me. Never saw anything like it before. As I drove 5 mph for 10 miles the only voice I could hear was Pop’s. “That looks dangerous, better let me do it.” As I tried to coast to a stop to take a picture the words changed, not the voice, “just keep driving ya dumb a##. “ At one point there was a 4 wheel drive SUV upside down in the road and a wrecker trying to right it. I thought “appropriate vehicles for appropriate circumstances, ya dumb a##!” Right pops!
Uncle Walter
PS. Dr. Grau, I hope the above pronunciation guide helped.
Happy Birthday Cocobean!
Hi Paul!!! I hope you remember me, I'm the boy that visited you in the hospital months ago, in Coyhaique. I had wanted to "follow" your blog long time ago, but I had some problems with mi e-mail and my facebook account was closed (I haven't idea why. I guess it was because when I tried to find your sister I sent a lot of messages to people called as your sister xD) Well, now I have an account and I just wanted to know how have you been, because the last time that I went to see you you were gone and I couldn't say good bye.
ReplyDeleteI really hope are doing everything fine and also I hope to talk with you once more.